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DecisionPoint Research™for Critical Business Decisions

Market Intelligence Study on Internet Voting in the Public Sector
In which we learn about the perils of hanging chads before they became part of the national vernacular in the 2000 presidential election debacle.

Study of Physician Prescribing Practices for Anti-Depressants
In which we learn how subtle changes in sales messages affect physician prescribing.

U.S. Market Entry Study on the Medical Office Software Market
In which we learn that the barriers to entry are too high in this market before the client invests in product localization and establishing a U.S. office.

New Business Development Study on Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Direct to Consumer (DTC) Promotional Programs
In which we learn that the services most valued by pharmaceutical manufacturers are the ones that help them to measure the ROI of their DTC programs.

Customer Satisfaction Study for a Pharmacy Computer Systems Company
In which we show the client where to deploy its resources in order to raise customer satisfaction and outperform its key competitor.

Customer Analysis Study on Coriolis Mass Flow Controllers
In which we learn the limits on the price premium that customers are willing to pay for this compelling new technology for semiconductor wafer fabrication.

New Business Development Study on Petroleum Transaction Systems for Supermarkets & High Volume Retailers
In which we show the client why it has been unsuccessful in selling to large supermarket chains, and identify six chains that are open to a re-presentation of the client's system.

Market Analysis Study on Cellular Handsets
In which we show the client where to deploy its product development efforts by identifying the most promising cellular handset models for wireless data applications.

Feasibility Study on Airline Replacement Parts Business
In which we learn that although many airlines are interested in using more non-OEM replacement parts, they are frustrated with the fragmentation of the market, which forces them to spend a great deal of time identifying and qualifying suppliers.

New Business Development Study on Integrated Compressor Maintenance Programs
In which we learn that despite the potential convenience of "one stop shopping," customers are reluctant to give up the opportunity to choose individual suppliers based on their unique strengths.

