DecisionPoint Research
Delivering the market intelligence you need for critical business decisions


Competitive Intelligence Study


A pharmaceutical manufacturer sought information on physician prescribing practices for its own and competitive anti-depressants in order to fine tune the sales messages articulated by its drug reps during their detail calls, with the ultimate goal of increasing its market share in the category.

We recommended revisions to the sales messages that allowed reps to show physicians how their drug could be prescribed to treat an expanded range of symptoms. With this repositioning the client successfully increased its market share. 


New Business Development Study 

A pharmacy health care provider wanted to determine the desirability of creating a suite of Direct to Consumer (DTC) services for pharmaceutical manufacturers.

We defined the most appealing DTC services and uncovered unmet needs, enabling the client to design a DTC services program that emphasized its core strengths and satisfied the unmet needs of pharmaceutical manufacturers -- especially the need to measure the ROI on DTC programs. The client avoided incorporating commodity services in its program as the study indicated that pharmaceutical manufacturers already had established arrangements for these low margin services.  With the insights gained in this study the client launched a suite of services that enhanced its stature and market share with key pharmaceutical manufacturers.



Product Repositioning Study 

A leading vendor of transaction systems in the petroleum trade wished to understand the causes of its lack of success in selling to large supermarket chains, with the goal of redesigning its offering to better meet customer needs and thereby increase its market share.

We uncovered the factors that contributed to the client's inability to sell into large supermarket chains. We outlined the critical product improvements needed, the most important benefits to emphasize in product literature and on the web site, along with the key decision-makers to be contacted in the most receptive accounts. The client used the study to create a new brand image, to re-prioritize the development of new features, and to assign new business development responsibility to a strategic partner experienced in the supermarket trade.  With these changes the client was able to win new business in targeted supermarket accounts.


New Business Development Study 

A global compressor manufacturer and service provider was segmented into 3 largely autonomous divisions. In many cases, a customer maintained discrete relationships with each division. The client wished to test the hypothesis that it could better address the overall needs of its customers by consolidating the 3 divisions to promote a group sales and support concept. 

We discovered that a significant percentage of prospective customers had concerns about a single supplier presenting itself as a total solution vendor for compressor wear parts.  The client used the study results to change the positioning of its group concept from a "total solution vendor" to "a family of experts," each with its unique area of expertise. The adjusted positioning enabled the client to present itself in a more appealing and believable way that respected customers' preferences "not to have all of their eggs in one basket," and saved millions of dollars in misplaced investment in marketing and organizational changes.